new PC

A strange thought came to me. Should I get a new MBP to run windows? I think I ought to get a conventional PC to run windows man, otherwise I’m going to look really foolish at work.

I’ve been comtemplating the different route to take for this new PC. First of all, it’s always my thinking that I need a new PC+Mac to keep up with life. This is like having new underwear every so often because it’s important to learn about new technologies.

Now, for a PC, I want to get a top-notch one so that I can use it for a long time. Besides, the better it is, the longer it lasts. I’d rather get a good one than for the price of two mediocre ones.


About dchana

all about connecting technology to everyday life and making things simple
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2 Responses to new PC

  1. dchana says:

    found a good deal, and bought a i5 Lenovo 15.6” for $549 + tax.

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